
FilamentPM - PLA+ and Woodjet printing tips
FilamentPM has provided us with this writeup with some tips to use their PLA+ and woodjet filaments. Enjoy their tips and of course make sure to visit to stock...
FilamentPM - PLA+ and Woodjet printing tips
FilamentPM has provided us with this writeup with some tips to use their PLA+ and woodjet filaments. Enjoy their tips and of course make sure to visit to stock...

Featured in Cryptid Crate - November 2021
The November 2021 Cryptid Crate Featured a fidget theme and included a Fresno Nighcrawlers Shirt, Animated Bigfoot Fidget Spinner, Strange Days Zine, Cryptozoologist Bracelet, Cryptid Crate Pop Socket, Mothman Pennant,...
Featured in Cryptid Crate - November 2021
The November 2021 Cryptid Crate Featured a fidget theme and included a Fresno Nighcrawlers Shirt, Animated Bigfoot Fidget Spinner, Strange Days Zine, Cryptozoologist Bracelet, Cryptid Crate Pop Socket, Mothman Pennant,...

Announcing Cryptid Crate Junior - Spoilers Ahead!
Introducing Cryptid Crate Junior! Read on to learn about this new Cryptid Crate product for kids!
Announcing Cryptid Crate Junior - Spoilers Ahead!
Introducing Cryptid Crate Junior! Read on to learn about this new Cryptid Crate product for kids!

Daire's Devils - Give the Enemy Hell! Guest Bl...
Danielle from espec books, publisher of our Systema Paradoxa series provides a guest blog post about their Daire's Devil kickstarter book campaign.
Daire's Devils - Give the Enemy Hell! Guest Bl...
Danielle from espec books, publisher of our Systema Paradoxa series provides a guest blog post about their Daire's Devil kickstarter book campaign.

Featured Cryptid Crate - October 2021 Batsquatch
The October 2021 Cryptid Crate has a Batsquatch / Cryptid Fight Club theme. This is the latest in our quarterly series of fully custom crates produces in partnership with Systema...
Featured Cryptid Crate - October 2021 Batsquatch
The October 2021 Cryptid Crate has a Batsquatch / Cryptid Fight Club theme. This is the latest in our quarterly series of fully custom crates produces in partnership with Systema...