Announcing Cryptid Crate Junior - Spoilers Ahead!

Announcing Cryptid Crate Junior - Spoilers Ahead!

We are excited to announce our newest product, Cryptid Crate Junior!  

You can find the product page to sign up at

Cryptid Crate Junior is a monthly subscription just like Cryptid Crate, but aimed at a younger audience.  It is launching in the Foundry section of our website where we will be launching more new products in the coming months!  After receiving many requests, we have decided to launch a new version of Cryptid Crate that is focused on younger kids.  We're thinking under 10, but it may be of interest to kids of all ages!  

Cryptid Crate Junior is produced in partnership with Lisa at Cryptid Comforts.  Lisa has produced items for a few of our past Cryptid Crates and we thought she'd be a great partner for Cryptid Crate Junior. 

What will be in the crate?  Each month will be themed around a different cryptid and will include:

  • A t-shirt in a kids friendly design.  This may be something we have featured previously in Cryptid Crate or it may be a brand new design.
  • A stuffed plush toy handcrafted by Cryptid Comforts
  • A leaflet with information about the cryptid of the month
  • A word search puzzle
  • Other items that will be a different surprise each month may include:  stickers, pins, fidgets, coloring books, or other kids appropriate items,



So, we've told you a little bit about what might be in Cryptid Crate Junior.  How about a spoiler for what will be in the first month?

Are you sure you want the spoilers?  Last Warning?
The December 2021 Cryptid Crate Junior that will ship on November 30, 2021 will have a Lochness Monster / Lake Monster theme and will include the following:
A Hand Crafted Lochness Monster Plush by Cryptid Comforts in either Green or Blue
Lake Monster shirt on Mint Green
A button with the Camp Conjuredust Lochness Monster badge graphic by Conjuredust Designs
Gummy Bear Scented Soap by Mystic Novelty Co.
Additionally, the crate will include a word search and an information page about lake monsters!


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