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Winslow Hoffner’s Incredible Encounters

Winslow Hoffner’s Incredible Encounters

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Winslow Hoffner’s Incredible Encounters by Michael Thompson

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"Have ya ever stared straight into the eyes o' death... and scoffed?"
- Winslow Hoffner

For most, Bayfield is a quaint, unassuming harbor town. For some, the decades-old headlines alleging unexplainable sightings of strange creatures in the water tell a different story. For a select few, the truth behind these legends, speculations, and folklore is more than a mere mystery: There's magic in the bay. And for local fisherman Mr. Winslow Hoffner, it's all just a matter of finding yourself in the wrong place at the right time...

Michael Thompson is an award-winning author and illustrator from Northern Virginia. His writing features dynamic character ensembles plunged into otherworldly circumstances, with emphases on adventure, humor, and heart.


All orders ship on the 1st weekday of the month after the order is placed. (Ex: If you subscribe on June 13th, your first crate will ship July 1st.) Shipping is always free to US customers.

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