Featured in Cryptid Crate - July 2021

Featured in Cryptid Crate - July 2021

The July 2021 Cryptid Crate has a Montauk Monster theme.

This box is the third in our series of quarterly features based around the Systema Paradoxa book series.

-Montauk Monster T-Shirt - MSRP $22.99

Another Cryptid Crate Exclusive.  Featuring an artists interpretation of the Montauk Monster in gray on a cobalt background. Colors may vary in larger sizes.

Art by:  Blair Webb. 

If you like the art and want to have yourself drawn in the same style, you may want to check out his Fright Night Sketches
Get yourself drawn as a zombie, famous monster or with your favorite horror icon! message Dana here for details and pricing.



-Devil in the Green- Systema Paradoxa Volume 4- MSRP $13.00

By James Chamber.  

There are creatures lurking in our world. Obscure creatures long relegated to myth and legend. They have been sighted by a lucky-or unlucky-few, some have even been photographed, but their existence remains unproven and unrecognized by the scientific community.

These creatures, long thought gone, have somehow survived; creatures from our nightmares haunting the dark places. They swim in our lakes and bays, they soar the night skies, they hunt in the woods. Some are from our past, and some from other worlds, and others that have always been with us-watching us, fearing us, hunting us.

-Custom Designed Montauk Monster Resin Figurine - MSRP $15.00

A Cryptid Crate exclusive! Resin figurine custom designed and produced for Cryptid Crate. This marks the third in a series that will ship quarterly. Only in Cryptid Crate.

-Wunk Collectible Coin - MSRP $20.00

Designed and produced exclusively for Cryptid Crate by Icon Coins.  This coin features a interpretation of the Montauk Monster on the front with the Cryptid Crate logo on the back.


Exclusive for Subscribers

Post card flyer for Cryptid Bash!  We're super excited to be attending this event and hope to meet many of you there.  Featuring the Mothboys Podcast on the other side.

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