A Review of Pips Mountain Dice Calendar

A Review of Pips Mountain Dice Calendar

Steph and Michael did a really fun unboxing and writeup on Pips Mountain on their All the Meeples of the Rainbow youtube channel and blog!  

Here is the video and excerpt from the article.  You can read the full article here (and PS for all the Cryptid fans, they are also reviewing a game that features a Snallygaster!)



 From the blog post:  

I had the pleasure of opening a very cool Advent Dice Calendar created by Pips Mountain! The full unboxing video is below.

The calendar is generic 1-30 days and can be used really at any time. If you choose to order one you can save 10% with {we're making you check out her blog if you want the code}

Inside the calendar, you will find at least one complete set of dice (all 7). The other dice are a random assortment of awesomeness.

You can also opt to get a subscription for a monthly calendar and special random dice in a special bag. This month was Inclusion Dice that has sweet candies inside of them. They are HUGE!

So this calendar would make a great gift or even just a fun surprise if you love beautiful dice.

I had a great time opening it and seeing what special dice were inside. I definitely found some new favorite dice!

Anyway, I had to take some awesome pics of these dice. Definitely recommend checking out Pips Mountain.



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